Embracing your creative dark side

The morbid lineage of Nike’s ‘Just do it’, is just one example of creativity being inspired from darker realms. Murderer Gary Gilmore’s final words ‘Let’s do it’, in front of…

India on Social Media

With Facebook touting India as one of their largest markets in the near future, there are obvious benefits to hitching on to the Indian social media marketing bandwagon. However, it…

Friends in Heaven

Have you ever wondered what you want done with your social media account when you are no more? We now live our lives communicating, sharing and 'being', on one or…

Freddy vs. Jason. The OWS Story

A nightmare tied in with all the arguments for and against the OWS protest; a predominant perception; an epic battle brews between Capitalism and Communism/Socialism. I’d think Freddy to be…