Skill sets for your modern marketing team
If you're confused about whom to hire for your digital marketing team you're not alone. One of the questions I often get is 'What are the skill sets we should…
If you're confused about whom to hire for your digital marketing team you're not alone. One of the questions I often get is 'What are the skill sets we should…
Digital marketing is a collaborative endeavor which means I often have to work with other marketers. And the competencies of the folk I interact with occupy a varied spectrum.…
The British unicorns have already landed for the inaugural Marketing Technology conference also known as the Festivals of the Unicorns. "A limey is coming!" At ease Boston, I'm only here…
Businesses have to go where their customers are. Many businesses are doing that too. On Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and so many more. Their challenge now is in taking the…
Your cars and phones now, but soon your homes, clothes and your accessories too are going to be spitting copious amounts of data into the web. Your customers will be…
What if your grand-kids never have to learn how to read and write? The cognitive part of reading and writing could very well be accelerated with technology inputs into…
Small and medium sized businesses that are turning to online marketing are having to sift through a lot of misleading information. Many of these myths are propagated by experts, borrowing…
I think my son spends too much time in passively consuming online content. YouTube videos take up the giant share of his online habits. A rough estimate would put the…
You’re a rock star digital marketer and your rocking ways help businesses find customers. You are awesome, but maybe you mess up in the following ways. 1) Overdose on the…
"Are you beautiful?" My 11 yr old asked the feminine S voice of his Mom's android device. "I'd rather not talk so much about myself. Let's talk about you." answered the voice, apparently fed up with the…